11e zitting - Woensdag 9 november 10.00 uur: 2842-3146 - Chinees porselein
Catalogusnummer: 2738
China, blauw-wit porseleinen kom, Qianlong periode (1736-1795),

de buitenzijde gedecoreerd met pioenrozen, de binnenzijde met pioenroos onder samengestelde rand (gebroken en hersteld, haarlijnen)

diam. 29 cm.


China, blue and white porcelain bowl, Qianlong period (1736-1795), the exterior decorated with peony, the interior with peony below a composite border. Condition: the bowl has been broken into two pieces and has been reglued wih associated star cracks and small losses to the base. There also is a hairline rim crack of approx. 8 cm. long.

Taxatie: € 30 - € 40
Huidig bod: € 40
Hamerprijs: € 40

Hamerprijs: € 40
