9e zitting - Dinsdag 14 november 10.00 uur: 4800-4853 - Archeologie en Pre-Colombiaans
Egypt, Karnak/Luxor, sandstone fragment of a stele depicting a relief of pharoah, 1400-1300 BC with later Ptolomeic Period retouching;
The portret's feature are remreminiscent of the Thurtmoside Period (1500-1400 BC), with the removal of the beard, the fold with next to the mouth and the angular profile of the uraeus serpent are indicating a loater retouching during the Ptolomeic-Greek period. This was probably done during the Ptolemy VIII (170-116 BC)
36 x 38 cm. On a custom made metal stand.
Collected in Egypt early 1983 in Luxor. With document of Prof. Dr. Maarten J. Raven, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden (25-02-2011)
Taxatie: € 5.000 - € 7.000
Huidig bod: € 5.000
Hamerprijs: € 5.000