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Sluiten5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
standing behind a shield with two poles, the back showing a notched tattoo.
h. 38 cm.
Provenance: Willem Zwiep, Amsterdam and with remnants of an old French collection label at the bottom. Private Dutch collection.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
in squatting position on a rectangular base, the sides with floral motifs, the arms crossed resting on the raised knees, wearing a crown with a curvilinear pattern, pending ear-ornaments, the face showing fine details, the back with well carved shoulder blades, sine and bottocks, remains of black pigment.
H. 16,8 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
seated in bersila, holding an offering tray between her hands in her lap, hooped hairdress and two pendant ear-ornaments; the rectangular base showing a scrolling motif along the sides.
H. 14,9 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
standing on a rectangular base, three-pronged crown, the base of the crown with entwined red cloth, head and torso accentuated by black dots. A local restauration on the lower right leg.
H. 34,3 cm.
Provenance: Collected on Nias in 1930 by Rudolph Bonnet(1895-1978) and Jaap Kunst (1891-1960); Collection Baronnes Bonnet - van Verschuer; Her daughter Liesbeth Vlaanderen-Bonnet and family collection van Vlaanderen. The Baronnes was married to Wim Bonnet (- 1933), the brother of the famous Dutch painter Rudolph Bonnet (1895-1978). This statue was acquired in 1930 on the island Nias by Rudolph Bonnet when he travelled to Nias with his friend the renowned Dutch pioneer in ethnomusicology Jaap Kunst (1891-1960). They collected several Nias figures. Later Rudolph Bonnet send his part of the collection to his younger brother Wim Bonnet, who was a practitioner on Java. Wim Bonnet died unexpectatly in 1933 and his wife left for Holland with her children together with the collection of Nias figures of Rudolph Bonnet. During WWII most of the Nias figures were lost, taken by the occupier and never seen again. This Nias figure is one of the four Nias figures we are offering that were were not lost after the War.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
wearing a three-pronged crown, an earring, necklace and an armband to the right, holding a peg or pestle resting on the thighs in both hands, incised details.
H. 29,5 cm.
Acquired on Nias by the artist Rudolf Bonnet (1895-1978) in 1930; given by him to his brother Wim Bonnet (+1933), a physician on Java, the grandfather of the present owner.Provenance: Collected on Nias in 1930 by Rudolph Bonnet(1895-1978) and Jaap Kunst (1891-1960); Collection Baronnes Bonnet - van Verschuer; Her daughter Liesbeth Vlaanderen-Bonnet and family collection van Vlaanderen. The Baronnes was married to Wim Bonnet (- 1933), the brother of the famous Dutch painter Rudolph Bonnet (1895-1978). This statue was acquired in 1930 on the island Nias by Rudolph Bonnet when he travelled to Nias with his friend the renowned Dutch pioneer in ethnomusicology Jaap Kunst (1891-1960). They collected several Nias figures. Later Rudolph Bonnet send his part of the collection to his younger brother Wim Bonnet, who was a practitioner on Java. Wim Bonnet died unexpectatly in 1933 and his wife left for Holland with her children together with the collection of Nias figures of Rudolph Bonnet. During WWII most of the Nias figures were lost, taken by the occupier and never seen again. This Nias figure is one of the four Nias figures we are offering that were were not lost after the War.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
wearing a high conical headdress, ornaments to the neck aright ear, rectangular mouth showing two rows of teeth, holding an unidentified object resting on the thighs in both hands. This figure can be seen on the right on a photograph most probably made by Rudolph Bonnet, on Nias Island or after their return to Java, 1930.
H. 37,5 cm.
Acquired on Nias by the artist Rudolf Bonnet (1895-1978) in 1930; given by him to his brother Wim Bonnet (+1933), a physician on Java, the grandfather of the present owner. Provenance: Collected on Nias in 1930 by Rudolph Bonnet(1895-1978) and Jaap Kunst (1891-1960); Collection Baronnes Bonnet - van Verschuer; Her daughter Liesbeth Vlaanderen-Bonnet and family collection van Vlaanderen. The Baronnes was married to Wim Bonnet (- 1933), the brother of the famous Dutch painter Rudolph Bonnet (1895-1978). This statue was acquired in 1930 on the island Nias by Rudolph Bonnet when he travelled to Nias with his friend the renowned Dutch pioneer in ethnomusicology Jaap Kunst (1891-1960). They collected several Nias figures. Later Rudolph Bonnet send his part of the collection to his younger brother Wim Bonnet, who was a practitioner on Java. Wim Bonnet died unexpectatly in 1933 and his wife left for Holland with her children together with the collection of Nias figures of Rudolph Bonnet. During WWII most of the Nias figures were lost, taken by the occupier and never seen again. This Nias figure is one of the four Nias figures we are offering that were were not lost after the War.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
standing on extended legs, small narrow and rectangular torso, massive extending hands, three-pronged crown (one prong missing)
H. 29,2 cm.
Provenance: Collected on Nias in 1930 by Rudolph Bonnet(1895-1978) and Jaap Kunst (1891-1960); Collection Baronnes Bonnet - van Verschuer; Her daughter Liesbeth Vlaanderen-Bonnet and family collection van Vlaanderen. The Baronnes was married to Wim Bonnet (- 1933), the brother of the famous Dutch painter Rudolph Bonnet (1895-1978). This statue was acquired in 1930 on the island Nias by Rudolph Bonnet when he travelled to Nias with his friend the renowned Dutch pioneer in ethnomusicology Jaap Kunst (1891-1960). They collected several Nias figures. Later Rudolph Bonnet send his part of the collection to his younger brother Wim Bonnet, who was a practitioner on Java. Wim Bonnet died unexpectatly in 1933 and his wife left for Holland with her children together with the collection of Nias figures of Rudolph Bonnet. During WWII most of the Nias figures were lost, taken by the occupier and never seen again. This Nias figure is one of the four Nias figures we are offering that were were not lost after the War.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
hollowed eyes within a concave facial plane, the rectangular torso flanked by bent arms. Weathered wood with a greyish patina all over.
h. 55 cm.
Provenance: Amsterdam private collection.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
male and female figure standing on a flat trapezium base. Details of the male figure extenuated with lime.
H. 42 and 46,5 cm. mounted
Provenance: Fred ten Houten (1916-1995); Museum Gerardus van der Leeuw, Groningen, Holland on long term lone, 1970-1995; Galerie de Ruimte, Eersel. Figures with ten Houten numbers in white; Male figure TH1222. Female figure TH1221.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
h. ca. 52 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
with remnants of white pigments and local restauration of right arm.
h. 58,5 cm. mounted.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
one edged pamor broad blade, silver hilt with floral and geometric patterns, the wooden scabbard with repousse silver mounts and knotted strips.
L. 43 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
separately carved (now missing) arms, the face with an archaic mild expression and circular ears below a circular flat headdress, old blackish soot patina.
H. 42,5 cm., mounted.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
a central vertical ridge with in the centre a rhombic shaped hand protection, decorated with a floral pattern in low relief, reinforcements through rattan strips, along both sides a row of plant fiber border with tufts; remnants of painted geometrical patterns. (cracks and small damage)
h. 151 and w. 22 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the front showing an incised diamond pattern with traces of lime and red pigments.
L. 77,5 cm.
Provenance: Bought from Boekhandel etno Heykoop, Wereld Museum Rotterdam, ca. 1985

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the top figure in a squatting position, arms resting on the knees, hands supporting the head, the back accentuated by four ridges.
L. 50,5 cm. (stand not included)

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
decorated with a beaded panel showing Aso, shell ornaments and beaded strings with bells. (two beaded strings with bells loose)
h. 32,5 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the upper part with lizard carved in relief amidst a geometric and floral pattern.
L. 25 cm., mounted on custom made stand.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the handle topped by a squatting anthropomorph with arms resting on the knees.
L. 15,8 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the charm on top of the cylindrical shaft carved as a squatting anthropomorph, the chin supported by two hands, arms resting on the raised knees, in between a piece of cloth, fine usage patina.
H. 51 cm., on custom made stand.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
attached by a red cotton cloth
h. 15 cm.
Provenance: Bernard Brugnier, France. Private Belgium collection.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the back showing crocodiles and anthroporphs in sugkit technique, below a band in tapestry weave.
H. 50 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the handle carved as an anthropomorphic face, four incised oval anthropomorphic heads below.
W. 12,5 cm, on custom made stand

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
with a tuft of hair, copper alloy strips and the blade end with decoration.
L. 69,5
Provenance sword: Sotheby’s Amsterdam, Sept. 1987, lot nr.42

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
H. 15 - 20 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
showing a painted pattern of six narrow panels, alternated with a depiction of a farmer with buffalo and plough, in the centre two opposing water buffalos; herewith a a block-printed indigo blue sarita, showing vegetal ornaments, geese, warriors and water buffalos, both with fringes.
L. 575 cm., without fringes.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
with refined features, details in red, black and gold-lacquer on a white ground.
H. 16,5 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the handle carved as a standing female figure, her right hand touching the crotch, her left the buttocks.
L. 19,4 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the exterior showing two horizontal rows with twelve figures in relief., the lower row being zodiac signs.
H. 10,9 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the wooden knife with bird shaped handle and a collection number 4536 on a small plaster; the arrow container, a bugbug, the lid with tufts of animal hair; the bow, a rourou, made of palmwood with animal tendon. All pieces are in his 1979 exhibition book ' Speelgoed voor de Zielen', with a drawing or a photo.
L. 50/192/95 and diam. 37 cm.
Provenance: Collection of prof. Reimar Schefold, Amsterdam. Exhibited in Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara, Delft, 1979, Speelgoed voor de Zielen. and Museum Rietberg, Zurich. Christie's Amsterdam, june 1989. Knife, lot 177, page 119; Bow, lot 171, page 52; Arrows, lot 113, page 51 and Headdress, lot 178, page 74.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
decorated with mother of pearl and european ceramics. The reverse with an inscription Boeroe and old label reading: 1922.
L. 88 cm.
Provenance: Private Dutch collection.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
L. 100,5 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
topped by an equestrian figure. The upper animal figure decorated with two carved faces.
L. 145,5 cm.
Provenance: Johan Nicolaas Adolf Sauer (born 1881 Soerabaja), private Dutch collection by descent.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
both ends open worked showing stylised anthropomorphic figures and on the reverse both ends of a carved pattern and traces of white and red pigments.
L. 74 cm.
Provenance: Jac. Hoogerbrugge, Capelle a/d IJsel; Michel Thieme, Amsterdam.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
free carved arms, hands touching the hips, on the reverse of the head a carved head of a reptile. With traces of black, white and red pigments.
h. 56,5 cm.
Provenance: Ex collection Ton Letwory, Arnhem and Private Dutch Collection.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
with elongated oval eyes, mouth with protruding tong. Details eventuated with white red and black pigments.
H. 74,5 cm.
Provenance: Ex collection Ton Letwory, Arnhem and Private Dutch Collection.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
h. 59,5 cm.
Provenance: Frans Faber, Amsterdam and private Dutch collection.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
L. 35 and 35,5 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the three stringed instrument with an aso head finial
L. 105 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
hourglass shaped, with an alternating pattern in white and red reserved in a black ground.
h. 72 cm.
Published in: Corby, Raymond, 'Korwar. Northwest New Guinea Ritual Art according to Missionary Sources', Zwartenkot Art Books, Leiden, 2019, fig. 236, p. 276.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the blackened exterior with traces in white, red and green pigmented details, the nose with pierced septum, drilled holes along the periphery.
L. 36 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
H. 24 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
partly eroded, left lower arm missing.
H. 84 cm.
Provenance: Fred Smit, Haarlem; Jan Visser, Amsterdam.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
surmounted by a standing female anthropomorphic figure. Decorated with geometrical patterns and remnants of white pigment and
L. 31,5 cm.
Provenance: Jac. Hoogerbrugge, Capelle a/d IJssel, Holland, Michel Thieme, Amsterdam, Holland and private Amsterdam collection.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
the handles in braided rattan and vegetal fibers.
98,5 x 67 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
on a checkered burgundy ground.
238 x 88 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
a highly stylized carved animal figure on a rectangular base.
L. 26 cm.

5600-5759 - Tribale kunst Indonesie
free carved arms, flanking the torso, the head surmounted by a flat headdress.
H. 25,8 cm.
Published, Rossel and Wentholt, 2008, Tribal Treasures in Dutch Private Collections, page 131. Private Dutch collection.